Posted by on Feb 25, 2020 | 12 comments










Well, I don’t have any idea what my title means, but I needed something with “spring” it…maybe Spring In My Step?  Spring-Bored?  Bed Spring…no, no, that’s idiotic, my bed has no springs.

So maybe I’ll just spring for a couple of pics of spring at our house, that is, if it is indeed showing its little face…make that “faces”.













This is going to take some imagination – those are actually yellow beef heart tomatoes, haha.  Sleeping.

And just for fun, because mama’s iPhone will not, for some reason, send her the pics of spring that she took today, here’s a photo from Dan the Man, mama’s sis-in-law’s partner who finds the most amazing kitty pics!






A well-bread kitty, wouldn’t you  agree?