Posted by on May 8, 2021 | 20 comments










My idea of a good start for this sunny day!

I suppose that if we were Russian I could say “Spring in our Steppes”, haha.

But mama says, “Loulou, it’s comin’ up roses.”








Well, that’s what mama said this morning, and I think it means things are looking up, four-leaf clovers and all that.  The little grandkids (now bigger) found four-leaf clovers in our garden one summer and were so excited.

I didn’t have the heart to tell them that mama planted them to tickle their fancies, whatever those are.  But they were tickled, that’s for sure.

On a day like this, I had better plan my sunny morning and sweet warm evening pretty soon.

I think for a start, I’ll go out and roll around in the mulch.  Now that’s a plan!

After that, I shall throw care to the wind.  I hope he’s a good catch!








Rocket salad (arugula) flowers that are edible.








Bees a’ buzzin’ in the sage.  Also edible.  The sage, not the bees.








Broad beans, fave in Italy, feves in France and how they got those names from “broad beans” I’ll never figure out.  I get a tiny piece of pecorino cheese when mama and papa eat it with the raw beans.

Mama read that milk from cows isn’t good for us kitties, but milk from sheep and goats is okay.  Do your kitties get cheese?  I know at least one kitty who gets BACON!  Whoa….