Posted by on Apr 22, 2021 | 24 comments










Well, papa is always showing me very interesting things on his IPad, like the pink surface of Mars or a lovely photo from The Cloud Appreciation Society, which sends daily photos to papa from anthros around the world who love clouds.

Today’s cloud was particularly beautiful, but papa says they are often photoshopped, whatever that is. Still, some are pretty amazing, especially the ones shaped like animals or anthros.

Mama and I like clouds in general and spend time in the garden meditating on how clouds form and so on.   Actually, I just meditate on the broad bean vines, or the nice soft mulch I can relax upon.  But pretty soon, papa is going to give me a lesson on cloud-watching.

He says it is good for the soul and spirit, and I can understand why that’s important right now.  Mama loves the song about clouds, the one by Joni Mitchell, whoever that is, and the lyrics are very beautiful and make tears come.

The only difference is that we don’t have any illusions here about love…nope, none at all. It’s everywhere.