Posted by on Aug 27, 2019 | 10 comments











Well, I never thought I would quote that old song, but I am feeling a bit lonesome for my mama and papa, especially papa right now since I hear from mama that he is barely able to walk a block or two without having to sit and rest.

Let’s hope this doc next week can fix him…er…repair him.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (whatever that means) my kitty whisperer does indeed whisper sweet nothings to me and I sleep like a…well…a kitty.  Mama wishes she could sleep the way I do — zonk, I’m out.  Mama, on the other hand, does tongue-against-teeth exercises, mental flying exercises, counting backwards from 100 or more exercises and the old standby, counting-sheep-leaping exercises, none of which works lately.  Poor mama, all she needs is to morph into a Tuxie and life would take a new path to slumber.

Not sure mama would look good with whiskers…

She does like her tummy rubbed however…hey, Sue, you can practice on ME!