Posted by on Aug 19, 2018 | 12 comments


I thought they would play with my ‘Nana but no one was interested.  So I did.

Papa said maybe use Post Partum, but uh, that didn’t sound quite right, and then mama said, Post Mortem, and I REALLY didn’t like that one so we settled on the one above. Well, that title sounds as if my posts are having their own party, but I’m only using it because that’s what everyone does after having had guests, right?


(HAHA, did you see mama almost drop the guacamole on one of our guests?)

Talk about them, what happened, which one was nicest to me, what they said about me, how they liked my kibble, that sort of thing.  Oh, sorry, I do NOT wish to be part of the I, Me, My generation, but it is nice to know one’s impression on others.  That way, one can improve one’s behaviour if necessary and become a better hostess.

I think.

Well, they didn’t starve–gazpacho, guacamole, olive and artichoke tapenade, ceviche, marinated sardines, garden tomatoes, fish soup with saffron mayonnaise on toasts you float in the soup, salad and various cheeses (did you know that France has from 450 to 1000 cheeses depending on the region and how many different types of one there might be?) and then mama’s mango sorbet and chocolate crisps.

Hey, let’s get back to those cheeses–why don’t ALL mice emigrate to FRANCE?

After that dinner, I hope the guests don’t go home and start calling me Butterball!
