Posted by on May 14, 2019 | 16 comments











Well this is where they were without me and they even saw that bad doggy Mya and gave her pets and hugs and told her how cute she was and she wiggled and wiggled and here I was at home a little bit jealous and jealous thank you.

And I am trying to dictate as mama does and it is not turning out well as my myows keep getting in the way of my eloquence, whatever that is!😺

Maybe do my whole blog one day with emogis, haha.

So here’s a little photo gallery of where THEY were.  It is a place called Florence but I thought that was the name of a KITTY we know!  But evidently the  window wishing was fun, mama said.








The amazing baptistry and duomo in Florence.








Vases to look like fruit and veggies.








Cool hats but they were too big for mama’s head, haha.










See, that bad doggy was riding around in her pousette like a little princess! 







I CAN’T BELIEVE that mama even took a picture of that bad doggy, Mya!

Some animals have all the fun…..