Posted by on Sep 20, 2021 | 24 comments









Well, around here, even with vaccinations and masks and being careful, the effect of just being in a world that has changed so radically has, let us say, caused a bit of insomnia in this household every now and again.

Oh, not for ME, but for mama and papa, who sometimes wake up three or four or five times a night, often, in mama’s case, from a dream in which crowds of anthros are unmasked or she has misplaced her car and has no mask to go look for it on a busy street, or she is completely lost and hasn’t a clue how to find papa or where she lives, and on and on and on.  She also loses her purse sometimes and can’t find it. That old Freud would have a ball with some of mama’s reves.

Does this happen to anyone out there?  The effects of this strange world are certainly evident in so many ways, so I guess it’s not such a surprise that anthro sleep patterns might be changed.

I seriously do not know what they are talking about!