Posted by on Jul 2, 2020 | 12 comments









Well, let me  start off immediately with the link to the world’s most amazing topiary-creator-with-kitties!  Mary McNeil (thank you, Mary) sent this link and believe  you me, this man is amazing.  I am wondering how long it takes to make BIG kitties like that! Maybe he uses a chain saw or  portable lawn mower…

And more kitty news around here.  My uncle Matthew and  auntie Karen and cousin Luke have a new family member, Alvin, who wants to Zoom with me (whatever that is).   And here he is!



















Am I going to fall for a younger man…uh, oh.

But maybe we could just be pen-paws.  I’m not  a cradle-robber…

Whatever THAT is!

And speaking of topiary (whatever that is), I was scared out of my wits in the garden when an ominous shadow turned everything dark and tried to shape my cat grass into a DOG!

Just kidding, but mama had  a pair of clippers in her hand and how did I know what she had in mind? You never know with mama and it was a BIG shadow…