Posted by on Jan 26, 2019 | 12 comments








I’ve been thinking about this debacle with our shutdown, and I strongly feel that the government workers should get DOUBLE pay for the time they were not paid and had to wait for the idiots who pay them to come to their senses!

That would be justice.

And Nancy Pelosi could sell ice cubes in Antartica, in my book, although she would probably have better ideas about how to market Antartican ice to help the inhabitants.

It feels like Antartica here right now.  I spend LONG hours cuddled up in my blue blankie.

Hey, I could have a blankie party and we could all cuddle up like a pride of lions, whatever that is.  And what are they so proud of anyway?  I’m proud of my ability to sleep through anything.  Mama keeps saying, Loulou, if only I could sleep that way…clonk, and out like a light.  How do you do it?”

Heh, heh, my secret.

Okay, I’ll share:  Take a nice long lick bath first and then whammo, fall over into zzzzzs.