Posted by on May 5, 2021 | 15 comments









Well, at the risk of being narcisistic, self-centered, on my high horse (?), egomaniacal,  you name it, I am following MAMA’S orders to post these (not my idea) cutesy-pootsy pics of yours truly and then be DONE WITH IT.

You see, in the evening, I get up on my couch and sack out while THEY have an aperitif or watch the news (heaven knows why they do THAT with all this bad news going on) but papa glances over at snoozing-me and just goes all awwww and has to snap a few pics.

I know, I know, I have an admirer, so I  just go along with it.

(Usually there is a long head rub preceding this photo session, so I endure it afterward, okay?)








Hey, I’m just minding my business, okay?








NO, I AM NOT POSING JUST TO BE CUTE!  False modesty is not my gig.








Can’t a girl get any rest around here?








Oh, no, now it’s with the PAWS….Cheesh!










HEY, PAPA, wait a minute, where’re you GOIN’?