Posted by on May 1, 2014 | 2 comments


(This is not mama, but you get the picture, right?)

Oh, boy, mama’s up there packing and she has SWORN not to take much because it’s that airline that pretty minimal and scoots around all over the place and she and papa haven’t been on it because it doesn’t go where they go most of the time and besides, they take that woo-woo monster that growls and floats around on water and I head straight for the closet and am relatively happy there, if one can be actually happy traveling on one of those things.

But I digress—packing:

Mama says, this time I’m NOT going to take the kitchen sink and have to lug around a bunch of things I never wear. Remember, Loulou, that in the US on that last jaunt I wore the SAME thing (well, two things) over and over and over and no one sees me there two days in a row anyway and so who cares if I’m in the same garb day by day with maybe a new scarf each time or a changed top? I mean, who CARES? This time I am NOT taking FIVE pairs of shoes for a 4-day trip, okay? You know, Loulou, that I have not worn a lot of black and that I’m pretty much a rainbow wardrobe sort of person but THIS TIME I’m putting on black and that’s it. I am NOT going to tuck little things in at the last minute because of total insecurity about what to wear, when, and what if it’s colder than I think or what if the weather changes and it’s hotter than I think.

Mama called her friend in England and said, what do I need and the friend who travels light, packing with amazing skill and still looking pretty spiffy out of a duffel bag, said, just a cardie and a scarf and you’ll be fine, but mama is sensitive to cold and so throws in an underthing and then thinks, well, a cardie (cardigan in UK speak) is a good idea and throws in TWO, not one, and then scarves—uh, oh, we’re in real trouble. Okay, Loulou, ONE scarf it is this time. Or two, one for day and one for night.

Mama is doing pretty well this time, I have to say. I am observing this from my perch, miffed of course about the whole thing, but still, composed and objective. I want to help, after all. And I say, no boots, no boots—it’s May and the weatherman says only drizzle for a couple of hours, and besides, mama says, I left them in another country! Okay, so no boots. Hmmm…

More space.

I see what’s mama’s doing; I see that she is tucking things here and there and that suitcase is getting higher and higher and here I thought she was doing so well this time.

I did see, however, that there was room in there for ME! And did she follow up on that? NO WAY.

I hope she has extra charges on all that useless stuff…
