Posted by on Feb 23, 2018 | 20 comments


Hey, I deserve this rest.

Well, you are not going to believe THIS!!!

Mama and papa were fixing dinner and it was very dark out so they turned on the outside light for me and I was going about my business of checking that things were right with the night when suddenly, a HUGE cream-colored kitty, and I mean large as a house (!) came barrelling over our jasmine fence and starting terrorizing me–I, who was minding my own business in my OWN garden.  What a scare!

Well, I let out a shriek the likes of which mama had never heard and she came tearing out of the kitchen door to find me UP OUR STRAWBERRY TREE, on the OTHER side of the barrier she had made (a sort of collar around the trunk) so that I couldn’t go too high and jump over our wall, and I was yelling my lungs out with my hair standing up and my tail swishing and when mama opened the door to come to my rescue, that big old fat kitty went up and over the wall into our neighbor’s yard, high-tailing it pretty fast for a fatso!!!


THIS IS NOT THE KITTY, but he looked like this except TWICE as big and I was going to take him on, you can bet on that.

I think I scared the bejesus out of that bad kitty.  And what did he want around here anyway at this time of year. Four degrees (C) and not a night to be out prowling around to bully some little kitty like ME!

I gave him what for, that’s for sure.  He shouldn’t be messing with little feline tuxies like ME!

First I did this.  I stared him down!



Then I gave him a right hook.


Then I boxed his ear, like THIS!


And to end it, a kick to the you know where…


…and I’ll bet that kitty is singing SOPRANO now, haha.