Posted by on Jan 9, 2016 | 8 comments


Well, mama keeps telling me to get off of her mouse, but I don’t see any mouse anywhere and I’m happy to move, really, because there is this big oblong thing under my derriere that is not comfortable anyway and all I want to do is look out the window from my desk while she uses MY computer to do emails and such. What is this thing anyway? At least they could have put a tail and some ears on it.


Probably already have. See– did it!!!

There goes another million dollar idea.

Do you ever get those “aha”s? Mama wants to design a purse with velcro attachments for many pockets in the purse and the attachments say Make-up or Pens or Kleenex or Passport or Credit Cards or Cell Phone, things like that and you can move the labels around depending on which pocket you want to put things in that day.

Mama actually knew a person who could do it but alas, she is not with us any longer.  Still, these ideas are worth having if not executing, right?

Does anyone out there know anyone who can get million-dollar ideas into the market place? Well, you know where to find me. I have to go think now…


Hey, what if we put little mouse faces on kibbles…?