Posted by on Oct 1, 2015 | 2 comments


(–thank you)

Well, the other night, mama and papa and I watched as a big yellow ball in the sky slowly disappeared into darkness, except it wasn’t dark as in black, as in blotted out, but instead became a lovely round, rose-colored orb in the night sky with Orion (whoever he is) and the Milky Way softening the darkness with their brilliant lights.

One wonders what early man thought of this gigantic thing in the sky that came and went with the changes in the month and then one day, suddenly, went out for some reason and then emerged a little while later as itself again! Early anthros must have been wondering just who was pulling the strings, right? I sure wondered that when mama showed me the moon turning pink.

Ah, the marvels of the universe! (Whatever that is). And now, I’m hearing that there are rivulets of water on Mars and perhaps even tiny organisms living in the moisture who, as anthros did, might evolve one day into real, honest-to-goodness Martians, and wouldn’t that be amazing?


Maybe they will have furry ears and emerald eyes…you just can’t tell with evolution.

But I’m going to pay more attention to the moon from now on. Mama says that the film by Lars Von Trier, Melancholia, came to mind as she was watching the moon disappear. I saw it with mama and papa and it is HEAVY, but if you want a different look at us on earth and those things out there in the great expanse of stardom and planetdom, do see that film.

After seeing that movie, I’m happy to be just gazing at our glorious moon and hope it stays where it is!!!


Well, that was SOMETHING!

Off to beddy-bye…
