Posted by on Mar 31, 2022 | 22 comments

Mama, I am so glad you and papa found one another!

Well, Thankful Thursday has one big thanks today. That mama and papa met on this very date…uh…a few years ago.  Okay, okay, lots of years ago but boy, am I glad, for one!

Happy anniversary-of-meeting, mama and papa. Who knew there would be THREE of us later, haha.

And we are so thankful for everyone sending aid to Ukraine, and that there may be peace talks soon, unless it is some kind of a ruse on P’s part. Who knows with that nutcase?

And we’re thankful for everyone out there who hopes, prays, sends good vibes for the world to be a kinder and more loving place to live. For all.

And we’re thankful for good vets taking care of all animals having a bit of trouble right now, like Ellen’s Sammy.

Ann Adamus made this lovely poster. So thanks to her, too.