Posted by on Apr 5, 2015 | 6 comments

image Well, I have been planning to say thank you in my blog for some time and today’s blog is for all of you who have so kindly signed up to read about what it’s like living with me, haha, and to see just how my observations and opinions might be yours, too, and then we can talk about them in the comments box and agree or disagree and have a lively time of it! And thank all of you who comment and keep me apprised of your very, very interesting lives and what you are up to, be it bad or good, and thank you for taking the time to send me thoughts on MY thoughts.  I try to send you thoughts on YOURS, too, because your thoughts matter so much and it’s clear from your comments that you are kind and loving and funny and generous readers! Now if you could just figure out a way to teleport to Texas or wherever THEY are right now and pass on your findings to me, I’d be very willing to be the guinea kitty and try it.  For all I know, they’ve found yet another CUTESY POOTSY little doggie or kitty and are whispering sweet nothings in its ears AS I WRITE! So nighty-night and thank you again for your support. Tomorrow I’ll tell you about gay pride posters stuck in the Courthouse lawn in Kerrville and a young waitress who turns out to be something you’d never guess.

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