Posted by on Apr 18, 2022 | 22 comments

HEY, it’s the Monday after Bunny Day! Am I dressed for it or WHAT?

Well, it is also called Little Easter in Italy, or pasquetta.

Here in France as in Italy it is a time to have meals together with family, preferably something with eggs, like a nice frittata.  Or a picnic with all of the leftovers from Sunday.

I guess we’ll have chicken salad as we’re roasting a chickie…num num.

We have lovely sun, warm days but as suspected, Tuesday the rain comes back! I wish we could send it to California where they need it desperately to stop eventual fires! What a world. Still, the sinking of Russia’s mega-ship is to celebrate, that’s for sure.

Let’s have an end to war, come spring. Let’s have an end to the virus. Let’s have an end to fake news and education for the Russians (and Americans) who actually believe what Putin (Trump?) tells them to believe.

Okay, okay, down off the soap box, whatever that is.

Spring has sprung! And mama is finally getting with it for my photos…..

Jeez…that learning curve must have been a circle, haha.

Rollin’ into spring…

Aw…I love Mondays.