Posted by on Oct 24, 2020 | 14 comments










Well, today, this is just about all I feel like doing.  After all we are turning back all of our clocks, who knows who thought this up, but now, just MAYBE, mama will feed me at 5:30 instead of 6:30, haha.

Mama goes a bit wonko when the time changes, because she says that SHE thinks it is time to fix dinner as it is DARK, and to have dinner at 6 when she’s used to cooking around 7:30 or 8 just doen’s work out around here.

Everything is topsy turvy, whatever that means, when the time changes.

But mama says,  “Hey, if we are used to having a glass of vino at 7, NOW we can have it at SIX!”

Boy, some anthros really know how to work the system.  Exhausting.

So I’ll get back to lolling around in my liquid, languid manner…










This time change has thrown off MY clock!








Is this luxuriously lollifying for you?