Posted by on Feb 24, 2019 | 16 comments







See the state I am in because of what THEY make me do?  I’m suffering! I’m practically a STICK now!

So, usually, mama and papa can figure out what it is I need, or want, more to the point, but lately they have NOT been that sharp in the area relating to food consumption, or rather, NON-consumption.

Well, I must say, papa has been pretty savvy, in that he has read all the info online of several brands of kibble plus wet food and has come to the conclusion that I need…get this: kibble for SENIORS!

Are they out of their cotton-pickin’ minds???

I am no more a Senior than one of those donkeys is a CLYDESDALE!

If ANYONE is a Senior around here, well…I will draw a veil on that one, whatever that means, but maybe, just maybe, the OTHER inhabitants of this dwelling should take a look in the MIRROR one day and see just what SENIORS look like!  I’ve had MY grey spot in my fur since I was BORN.  But have THEY??? No way, Jose…

And as for the other TINY amount of grey that might be creeping into my fur, randomly, here and there, I would call it silver threads among the jet, NOT SENIOR FUR!

There will be a full disclosure after this radically different regimen I am on, and I can tell you one thing that any nu-nu knows:  Burn off more than you munch.  Simple as pie.  Uh, oh, wish I hadn’t said “pie”…










Oh, merci, mama and papa.  A bit of water to go with my crust of bread…