Posted by on Jul 30, 2021 | 16 comments


Well, our sweet neighbor, Anne-Marie, saw that a tiny birdy had fallen out of the nest that the hirondelles (swallows) make every year in her eaves, and she saw it was shivering and so put it in a little box with a towel.

Aunty Lynne, who is her neighbor, (Anne-Marie’s, but also the swallow’s) says that she even put a little hot water bottle in the box when it got colder!

Anne-Marie was afraid the little one would not make it, and she tried to give it a little egg and some melon. But the dropper she was using wouldn’t fit down the little birdy’s gullet.  Then the daddy or maman arrived (!) and stood watch over the little one.










And then, lo and behold, one of the parents arrived with a worm for the little cutie pie!









And the birdie sat up on his box today, right on the edge.  Must have been a fat worm…










Anne-Marie thinks it is just after he/she has had that nice  little surprise dinner brought in from his parents!










But there are other beaks to feed, too, and perhaps the little one will join them soon…are they cute or WHAT?

So today, I’m a bit out of the picture, but that’s okay with me.  Hey do you think they are called swallows because of those anxious little beaks wide open for worms, haha?

We’re happy about this and THANK YOU,  Rescurer Anne-Marie.