Posted by on Jan 7, 2015 | 2 comments



Quinette having a scratch!

Well, we’re back in a magically quiet and tranquil life—mama picking the kiwis for winter, lemons are falling off the tree for future limoncello, fava beans are starting up for spring (!), rosemary is ready for focacce, sage is ready for butter on ravioli, chicken soup is simmering on the stove, and the artichoke parings are ready for the donkeys who are just across the way from us and will be in paradise when they see all these leaves and stalks! Here’s a selfie I helped take of one of them. They’re not real good at selfies…their noses get in the way.


Their noses are like my fur and they actually kiss mama when she comes with carrots and feed. They also talk to her each morning when they hear her voice in our garden. Maybe we can record it—it’s hilarious! Hee, haw, snuffle, snuffle…



I, meanwhile, am scratching happily in my garden and eating grass. I think mama needs to plant more weeds…

Winter is calming but also a little melancholy. Anthros don’t stare at bright lights for nothing! Or eat more chocolate (I hope…).

So incredibly quiet after traffic noises and fireworks and sirens blasting so often in the city. Frankly, I like a little peace and quiet during the year to gather my thoughts and get things done like helping around here to fix leaking windows and take marks off the wall (I’m really good at that thing—I use my tail) or hang up mama’s canvasses when they come back from being restored after that fire.

Lots to do. But right now, I’m getting off this computer to be FED!!!

And then to bed…
