Posted by on Oct 23, 2019 | 2 comments







Peace at last…

Well, these two have taken off in a thunderstorm to do something  or other with their fangs and eyeballs…I hope it’s cleaning and polishing the one and checking the prescription of the other, not the other way around, haha.

Although I guess if I cleaned and polished my eyeballs, I’d probably see better, no?  Maybe even another point of view, hmmm…

You know what – I’d like to drop this subject entirely and settle into a good afternoon and night’s REST, for a change.

And okay, okay, I’ll miss them…

Oh, I forgot…my Kitty Whisperer will no doubt be unable to keep her hands off my tummy, but one has to experience new snuggling techniques from others every now and then so I’m content in expanding my horizons.

I think.  Will it wake me up?