Posted by on Apr 3, 2020 | 10 comments

I wonder what would happen in our little village?

Well, mama loves these animals and my aunty Jacqueline sent this link for us to have smiles with our morning coffee (not me, I’m a water kind  of kitty, and by the way, what’s the reason kitties can’t have milk?  I thought all kitties LOVED milk and cream!  Am I missing something?) and naturally, I wanted you to smile, too.

But just imagine MAMA’S GARDEN being nibbled on by these cashmere cuties!  Uh, oh…

If anything happens to her baby tomato plants, there will be all hell breaking loose around here!

Not to mention the basil, best friend of tomates.

AND, there is really a chance that these little new plants will grow because today was spring-like and lovely.

(What wasn’t lovely was that my aunty Lynne came to sit (10 feet away) in the garden for a short visit and mama opened the garden gate for her so no one would touch it but mama and mama forgot to CLOSE it…

Guess who sauntered over to the NEVER-OPENED-WHILE-I’M-OUTSIDE-IN-THE-GARDEN gate?  One guess.

AND guess who sauntered back in as mama and aunty Lynne remembered the open gate and were about to have a hissy fit?

One guess.  Some kitties are just plain smart, right?

(Or hungry…)

Hey, I’m not wandering away from my couch for ANY reason.