Posted by on Jun 6, 2018 | 13 comments







Well, because mama is on a ship in a port it stops in before arriving in Rome, she has wifi and is sending me this article about the amazing Syrian cat hero.

Mya’s mama found the article, as she so often does, about those who protect us from harm.

He must be one of the earth’s sweetest souls, and boy do we need them.  I can’t really write too much today, because I’ve lost contact with mama in her “wifi” port, whatever that is, but tomorrow I will fill you in on all the news.  Woke, snuggled, played, ate, slept, woke snuggled, played, you get the picture.  But there might be a few surprises, too, HAH!

Meanwhile. I am getting in a few winks before THEY decide they can’t live without me another moment and come back to interrupt my lazy days!