Posted by on Jun 20, 2022 | 20 comments

WOW – I’ll bet that guy was SURPRISED to say the least!

Oh, boy, here’s a Monday spark for everyone.

Mama saw this first on Gwen Cooper’s instagram and her blog site, for which mama could not find a link!

A random act of kindness, this, that’s for sure. And all kitties found homes, unbelievable! What a great guy!

We hope your week is full of summer smiles and cool drinks and NONE of the winds we are having, which makes it hard for mama to walk into our garden to water because she is bowled over, whatever that means. She hasn’t been whatever bowling is in years…

If I were out there I would be flying!

Maybe this gadget on my shoulder would weight me down, haha.

To tell you the truth, I haven’t even noticed it yet except in the mirror! LOVE the idea that I could push it and get kibble in my bowl, haha. Thank you, J Cats!

A demain…