Posted by on Jun 4, 2014 | 0 comments


Well, mama showed me some photos that her step-granddaughter took in Paris recently when she was on a week-long visit after having graduated (YAY) and I have to say, I’ll like her to take a few pics of ME sometime. Mama liked very much this one of a lady because it looks so 1040s and so like a Paris street:


And then there was this one of a Paris breakfast that just makes you want to sit there with that man and have a coffee, no? (Or a bowl of milk…)


And mama like this one, too, even though it’s a YOU-KNOW-WHAT!


What is the world coming to? I just hope this kid takes a few pics of me when she visits this summer…I mean what would her portfolio BE without a Loulou? Okay, okay she does have that cat of hers to practice on. Afrodite. I must say, that kitty is pretty slick, even if she isn’t in her Tuxedo.


Ah, well, we can’t be all the same or we’d be really boring, no?

For more Paris pics see Lisa Modiano


I just hope she doesn’t photograph me in a pose like this!