Posted by on Jan 22, 2022 | 27 comments

Well, a couple of kitties came to my attention from mama’s collection  for today’s blog.

I had to do my blog really quickly because I was trying to make the bed and THEY deserted me!  That’s the last time I help with housework around here…

This was a kitty named Summer belonging to a friend long ago.

And this was a kitty named Frumi, not always in a good humor, but what the heck…three little grandanthros running around that house! 

(Not ours, another house…I’d be under the bed permanently.)

Hope you enjoyed our drawing room!😻 Wish we could have served tea…or sherry, or something. Whatever that is.


And bon anniversaire to our dear neighbor of almost 35 years, Lilly Rehmet, who is somewhere early in her 90s today, but she seems about 50!!!