Posted by on Aug 25, 2020 | 16 comments










JEAN, WHAT ON  EARTH ARE YOU DOING (no pun intended)?







Bonjour, Loulou.

Well, actually we DON’T dig a lot, but we do know that our green-thumb neighbor, Jean, who has the lovely big garden below us (now growing strawberries and the famous peppers of  Espelette) is to be seen every morning over the last two weeks digging up his old garden’s soil and transporting it to St Andre, the town next door, where he moved last year!

We’re talkin’ YARDS and  YARDS of top soil.

Every morning, dig, dig, dig, and then he takes huge garbage cans of soil to his car and drives it to the garden of his new house. Evidently, his new house had only rocks in the ground designated to be a (huge) new garden.

We’ve not visited the new house yet, but mama asked him yesterday why he didn’t just jack up the new house and move it HERE, to the old garden, haha.

All I can say is this is one serious  gardener!

As for me and my extensive garden experience, I have a rather deep affinity for plants.  Witness the expert way I dive into my nip bed without  the need for garden gloves or tools!








It think you could say I have a green nose for plants, haha.






Although, it’s easy to lose one’s concentration in a nip bed…