Posted by on Aug 21, 2019 | 10 comments










Are you kidding?  I’m not touching my kitty food when I can have curry!  Haha, just kidding.  It smells really good but it’s not on my menu.

So mama’s on a roll right now, making Southeast Asian and Indian curries, and cheating a bit by serving them both with Indian chapatis (see flat breads below) with which to scoop.








I think I might be able to eat a chapati.  They are only wheat flour, yogurt and a bit of ghee (clarified butter) so maybe one will accidentally drop my way, haha.








This curry is made with tiny bay scallops, onions, garlic, green chili paste, pressed fish paste, fish sauce, cilantro, ginger, cardamom, tamarind paste, shrimp broth, and coconut milk.  Drool.

And for dessert, she is whizzing up fresh nectarines, vanilla, sugar, lime juice and yogurt to a nice smooth texture and putting it in the freezer for a couple of hours.  Easy peasy sorbet.








But what do I know?  I’m just a kitty.  Mama just told me, “Repeat after me”, and I did.

I wonder if next time, mama, we could throw together some tuna kibble and a side of sirloin hash?

I’m volunteering for Taster…I’ve got the moves!