Posted by on Sep 30, 2021 | 22 comments

Well, I’m outside in the garden and reluctant to come in…I suspect anything and everything when I hear zippers on suitcases!  Whoosh, I’m suddenly hijacked into my roll-aboard and off, who knows where?
Actually, I am right this moment where mama can find me with just a rattle of the treats jar, haha.
Still… I will be under the bed out of reach shortly! It’s a bit strange around here because NO ONE has traveled farther than our little neighborhood market for almost two years!
Friendly fill-ins once again:
1. So far this year, I have accomplished ____staying at home happily.
2. My plans for October include ___staying at home happily__and __well, staying at home! Thank heaven!
3. Staying right here without mama and papa_ may be difficult, but it’s worth it.

4. I don’t think I’ll ever master___feeling okay without them here, sigh.

Bonne nuit, mama and papa, wherever you are. 😻

Well, they are not out here…boo hoo.