Posted by on May 31, 2019 | 12 comments








Whatever that means.  Is this bleshing with papa?

But mama says it’s a word from the 60s, LOOOOONG before my time, that’s for sure,  plus mama would rather I not mention that she knows where and when the word came from, haha.

But to continue.

As I began spending my days in my new abode and as I began to slowly form a bond with the two strange anthros who insisted on living there with me, I realized day by day that we three had so many things in common.  We all love to eat, for one, and enjoy our lovely meals together, breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And we love our garden and often tiptoe through the tulips of a morn or eve.

Actually we don’t have tulips but it sounded nice.

And THEY do not tiptoe half as well as I with my built-in tippy toes.










Still, the herbs and flowers  🌸 are our passions together and I often run and hide in the nasturtiums (whatever they are), only to be found and snuggled for my prowess.  At least I think it’s because of my prowess, maybe I should have said subterfuge.  No, no, okay, whatever the word is for hiding skillfully.

Plus we three are absolutely meant to inhabit a bed – I, leaning into papa’s leg from my snug and lovely place between mama’s knees.  Plus I do actually help her kneecaps with warmth so that she is younger in the morning, haha.

And we share a love of simply waking together.  There is a certain continuity in it, making the day begin with a myow and smile from both of them and a little walk to the breakfast table.

Of course, I didn’t know any of this for a long time.

But hey, better late than never, I always say.  Original, huh, haha.