Posted by on May 28, 2019 | 18 comments













Being nurse on mama’s knees.

Well, I am going to meander back to my beginnings with mama and papa while mama recovers from a sort of knock-down from an antibiotic.  Mama’s view is that if you can nail it without them, so be it, but there are simply more complicated afflictions that need a strongman/woman.

Still, side effects are side effects and no fun at all, although I have been spared them in my young life.

Enough of this, I am thinking back to my first days in a safe place with anthros who appear to have loved me on sight, and I remember the first night after mama suggested that I stay in the house, fed me, and left water and kibble for my nightly needs, and I remember that they went off to bed and I wandered and wandered from room to room, sniffing my new abode and rubbing my jaws on the appropriate corners of things to make sure they were mine and mine alone and then I ventured upstairs and pondered the future.

I gazed upon the sleeping two who had rescued me from a feral future and thought deeply about what might be in store…

However, that which overtakes kitties no matter where and when, embraced me yet again and I drifted off on a soft, warm couch downstairs into my first real night of peace and contentment for a long, long time.

Amazing where curiosity can take one.  A simple search into a garden, a bowl of tuna, a feathered anthro emanating a “no strings attached” welcome and voila`(I couldn’t get that accent over the ‘a’…oh, well).

Who knew what tomorrow would bring?








But back to the present, papa felt I should be called Florence, Nightinkitty.