Posted by on Mar 2, 2021 | 28 comments








No strings attached for me…

Well, mama has started me on chondroitin powder (Cosequin) in my food, and I actually eat it, but nothing seems to be happening yet with my little front joints. I still shake my front paws when lying down or during a bit of string play, so it’s not that fun to chase strings right now.  Even virtually on the IPad, haha.

If you have any arthritis info for kitties, please pass it on.  As mama says, “Loulou, we are just not youngsters any more”, but I don’t think 11 is very old for me…I played and ran and jumped on the bed like a gazelle in the past.  Sigh.

(Speak for yourself, mama, haha)

BUT…I also can have 3 days of a liquid that is supposed to help and I LOVE the taste.  If that doesn’t work, it’s going to be jabbing for me just as it is for you out there.  Madame Docteur Vet says she can give me a shot of something that might help temporarily.

To be continued…I think mama worries too much…

Mama, let’s go read Dr Seuss and take our minds off our joints!