Posted by on Feb 26, 2020 | 12 comments


Waiting for birdies is like waiting for Godot,  whoever that is…

Well, they (balls) are not what you may be thinking, if you are inclined to think that way, haha, because everyone knows that birdies do NOT have…er…palle (in Italian)…er…round things that some anthros have…er…those things down there….

But around here in winter, we have lots of them for the poor,  cold, little feathered creatures who have so little to eat when it’s chilly.













I think it’s sort of difficult to see the birdies.  Maybe I’ll get papa to use his camera to get some details, as they really are darling.

I say that because birdies have never attracted me except for wondering how they can stay in the air!










Well, this wasn’t any better!  Okay, let’s just cut to the chase.

Here they are and you probably have them in your part of the world, too.  I think there are recipes for making them – mama’s grandmama used to  do that.  I think.  I wasn’t around to check on her…

Hey, why and where’d they GO?