Posted by on Jul 17, 2020 | 11 comments










Well, FINALLY, mama’s video in which she shows you how to make an easy summer pasta sauce is up and running.

And I emphasize the “finally”….it was a long haul this tine  because mama accidentally put the video on “private” or “unlisted” or something like that and she should have posted it as “public”….duh, mama.

I think mama is going to do a rice dish next time.  Many cooks seem daunted by risotto, mama says, and think it’s difficult, but it’s not at all with mama’s tricks.  Or maybe she’ll do summer tomatoes stuffed with rice, basil and mozzarella and baked until caramelized, pomodori al riso.  Even I like those, or at least a tiny bite, which is all I am getting right now, haha.









These are from a wonderful cook, Maria, in Anzio, and they are supposed to look exactly like this. We didn’t have a photo yet because we haven’t made them recently!

But seriously, folks, I’m doing fine with my very minimally-invasive diet.  I simply burn more calories than I eat, and I’m more active and my joints feel much better.  At least I think they do but I do go upstairs faster.

Mama says she should eat my food and maybe her knee would get better, haha.

SO…off to roll around in the mulch and help mama bury the kitchen scraps in the compost pile…you never know what might be interesting in there, heh, heh.

Just kidding, I wouldn’t touch that scrap bowl with a ten-foot whisker!  I’m going to get a nosepin before I help compost the garbage, that’s for sure.

Wait a minute…is there such a thing?