Posted by on Jul 9, 2019 | 16 comments








Were you really worried, mama and papa?  Me, too…

Well, I can say, without a doubt, that I am better.   Mama says that if I am eating the way I ate today, all is well.

Thank you again, dear readers/friends for your concern.  Mama and papa were really, really worried about this bout of whatever it was because I am so rarely under the weather, whatever that means!  I mean, can someone stand under weather, or would one rather be on top of it, haha.

Right now, I’m pretty much on top of things and yet, I will confess, I felt like HELL for three days.

Fever is not fun, and let us not go into the taking of temperature…

The rain is over and like the musical, Annie, “the sun’ll come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun”…

Meanwhile, I’m off to ninna nanna land to recoup.   Whatever that means.  But it’s pretty…







I can’t figure out why they were so worried?