Posted by on Feb 23, 2021 | 14 comments







Mama, do you think they can capture this pose in a clone?

Well,  here’s a cutie!

And there may be much discussion about the cloning of endangered species, but I happen to think it is pretty amazing!  Of course, I can’t stop it, that’s for sure, so I decided to just go with it and be tickled over this darling coming into the world.

You don’t really have to read the whole shebang, but please DO look at the photographs of these irresistible little furries.

And who knows what other species might perhaps be saved by cloning.

Uh, oh…mama is looking funny, may have to shelve that thought right now.  I’m pretty much just taking each day as it comes until we get back into the social whirled… I made that up, haha.

I’m going to possibly ferret out some kibble from somewhere, wish me luck.

HEY, Kibble  Kloning Kits! Be independent from your diet-minded anthros.

Uh, oh, maybe change that to Chibble Cloning Cits…scratch the “K”s….











I think I’m going into business….after a nap.