Posted by on Jul 13, 2021 | 19 comments







I got that whipped ricotta all over my paws!  Still tastes good, though.

Well, since we are so weird around here most of the time, mama thought that a nice cool little dessert recipe would lift your spirits, or maybe go with those Bakin’ with Bacon dishes on Two Spoiled Cats!

And mama is not a dessert nut, but loved this one, adapted from a friend’s recipe:

1 cup of whipped cottage cheese or ricotta mixed with a spoon of  sugar and one of vanilla.  If you can mix a small amount of whipped cream into the ricotta, even better.  Here in France mama uses fromage frais, which the the French equivalent of whipped cottage cheese.  You might find it in large supermarkets or imported foods places.  Mama always thought it was like crême fraiche, but it is much lower in fat and just a bit yogurty.


1 cup of  crushed  cookies of  your choice (mama used her own ginger snaps). A good butter cookie will suffice.  Even shortbreads.  Whatever those are..

1 cup of fresh apricot purée – cook a dozen fresh apricots with a teaspoon of sugar and one of vanillla until nice and mushy, then make into a purée.

In clear not too big water glasses, say, a juice glass, put a layer of whipped cottage cheese or ricotta about 3/4 of the way up the glass.

Add a layer of crushed cookies, leaving room for a layer of apricot confiture (the purée you made; you can also use fresh plums, peaches or nectarines for the  purée).

Cover the tops with plastic wrap and chill.  Light, refreshing, low-fat, low-sugar and I get to eat ricotta!!! Well, just a little bit but still….

Still cleanin’ up.  Worth every lick.  Even bathing tastes good, haha.