Posted by on Oct 23, 2023 | 32 comments

Ain’t that the truth!

friendship quotes

And you, dear friends out there, are forever, even though mama and papa and I will never SEE you in person. You are dear friends nonetheless and thank you for helping mama and papa to feel positive through their ordeal;


Mama tested negative yesterday (!) but has to confirm it Tuesday and then we’ll wait for papa to follow a few days later.

Moving right along,..

Isn’t it something to meet someone and know immediately that he/she/it/they are forever friends. Mama does that with new acquaintances and is rarely wrong. Good anthros shine out from their hearts right away, mama says.

We hope everyone is healthy and enjoying the first colors of autumn.

Pretty soon it will be BOO time!

I wonder if there is a ghost of a chance that THEY will get home around then….sigh.