Posted by on May 2, 2021 | 26 comments








Well, I am NOT abandoned, but I am looking abandoned, as in “the kitty slept with abandon”…now, wait a minute, is that a noun?  Or was there another kitty named “Abandoned” and they snoozed together? Or does it mean one is left to snooze?

You can see today that I am limited in my cheeky original thoughts, haha, but it is pouring cold rain, I cannot go outside without being soaked, and I chose the best possible solution to this WINTER weather in MAY!!!










Even if my head is smooshed…










Even if not snoozing elegantly…








Even if I am bound to wake up in the shape of a pretzel…

On a rainy, chilly day, snoozing ROCKS!

But happy yesterday’s May Day anyway.

Even is no one is out in our little village passing out traditional first-of-May muguet flowers.