Posted by on Apr 18, 2016 | 7 comments


What’s that you say?

Well, I really liked this article for those anthro parents of doggies who wish to get across better to their four-legged friends.

You know, our friend who started the Good Every Day, Positive News Choice, was really on to something.  It is so refreshing to read about successful handicapped anthros, young and old, and about uplifting news items that one rarely sees in other news publications.

And, speaking of how you speak to your doggy or kitty, I like to think that I am actually responsive to mama and papa’s conversations with me, and even though I LOOK as if I am not listening, I hear every word.

For example, “Time to have dinner, Loulou” is only slightly enhanced by the fact that mama has rattled the kibble package.  Or how do I know that it is precisely six o’clock in the evening when mama is downstairs at her computer and only THINKING to herself, “Oh, it’s six and time for Loulou’s dinner.”

How do I know that?  Clearly we kitties are also psychic, along with being very good listeners.

And if our anthros talk to us in a reasonable fashion (none of that cootchy-cootchy woo stuff), we are certainly going to hear every word and respond accordingly.  An example:


Loulou, did you know that there are about 10 billion galaxies out there in that night sky?




And did you see that this presidential race is heating up a lot?



And how many angels do you think can dance on the head of a pin?



LOULOU, you are NOT listening!




(How did she know that I am actually sleeping with my eyes open? Hmm…those anthros are sharp!)

Okay, Loulou, I give up. Let’s have dinner.


Hey, now you’re talking!!! That was a nice conversation, mama.


Good thoughts for Mitch, please!
