Posted by on Oct 29, 2014 | 2 comments


Don’t’ you just love that description of that night when all the kitties dress up as anthros and try to pass? Personally, I like being in my own skin, but if it’s a night to go for the the garish, then so be it. And we kitties are so much a part of Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Hallow’s Eve, whatever be its name, that I think all day of how I will stretch into an nice arch and look like one of those kitties on the Halloween cards that people send each other or at least resemble a kitty on the back fence gazing at the moon while scary witches sail by on their broomsticks.


The trouble is—mama never catches me with her little black box in time to get the fantastic stretch to use in my blog. I think she has to sit near me while I’m sleeping (this could take all day…) or catch me sleeping and then rudely wake me up (all awakenings are rude) and then I just MIGHT stretch if I deign to get up at all. So I guess she’ll just have to use something from the internet for my blog tonight.

But tomorrow, I’m going to have on my anthro costume…heh, heh, heh, and we’ll see just what those guys are about in their weird and wacky world.


I’m exhausted.  I tried to get into a mouse costume….fat chance (so to speak).