Posted by on Feb 18, 2021 | 20 comments









I’m trying to make my nip leaves talk…wish me luck.  Hey, I don’t  have a puppet to practice on!

Well, once again, Mya sent Loulou this amazing video of a little girl’s talent.

It’s like this: almost every morning mama receives something fun and wonderful from Mya’s mama or her sisinlaw or another anthro, all of whom are very aware that we, in this household, love to start the day with a smile.

Hey, and why not?  Too many frowns make us all clowns, or something like that, whatever  a clown is, but around here, we’re collecting laugh lines, haha.

Well, not on me, fortunate as I am to have a perfect complexion, its beauty accentuated?/marred?/disturbed?/enhanced only by a plethora of delicate whiskers, whatever a plethora is.  All I know is  that I have one.

Glad to giggle, that’s we.

A long explanation of why we LOVED this little girl.

(The things anthros choose to do, sometimes just boggle the mind, right?)

I’m off to make attempts at throwing my meows and making the lemon tree talk…or maybe try it first on the nip bed, haha.  Haha, a muttering nip bed, haha, that’s hilarious!










Hey, nip leaves, can you SAY something?








C’mon, c’mon, SPEAK UP, Nipper!










MAMA, my nip bed doesn’t want to help me at all!  I’m throwing my voice as hard as I can.








Uh, oh, project-ion scratched…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…