Posted by on Jul 20, 2020 | 17 comments








Well, it’s mama’s birthday today but the really big surprise day was on Thursday last week when the most beautiful yellow hibiscus and two dozen roses (the color of the Roma team!) appeared at the delivery door and the owner of the store (who brought them herself) said, “Oh, you are so lucky, just look at this hibiscus and these  roses!”

Mama must have looked stunned  because it wasn’t her birthday yet but boy, howdy, was she surprised!   So now we have a lovely hibiscus on the patio to remind mama of her step kids and step  grandkids and I cannot tell you how teary she got when she read the card.










Hi, biscus!

SO…naturally, in isolation, we’re not going out to boogie so mama made herself a little cake (and forgot the crème frâiche in the batter and so used it in the icing) and it looks REALLY tasty….but will a kitty get even a smidgeon? HAH!

And today a HUGE pigeon arrived at MY water dish and mama usually tells him to get lost, but because it’s her  birthday, she was  nice to him and now she thinks he is someone’s pet because he just stands there and gives her that pigeon-look and mama thought that maybe he might have a birthday greeting wrapped around his leg or something…HAH!  In your dreams, mama…

Hey, mama has a weird imagination sometimes. I mean, who would send a pigeon when we all have cell phones? Duh…

Personally, I think this birthday stuff is FOR THE BIRDS!

Unless it’s mine, that is.

The birthday, not the birds.  But happy birthday anyway, mama,  and many more! We have a lot of snuggling ahead of us!  And papa says the same…










La, la, la, happy birthday to you….🎶