Posted by on May 20, 2017 | 8 comments


That’s not snow outside but it feels like it! Brrrr…(whatever that means).  A fake winter.

Oh, boy, it is freezing here and the wind is up and winter has returned in full regalia! Whatever that is.

Oh, and the heating system doesn’t function but I’ve sent out a posse for the repair guy so maybe he’ll show this time.

Aside from that, all is as well as can be.  Mama gets the third shot of knee juice today and then she waits.  It really is magic, this stuff but have you noticed that any time you rave about something, it changes?  As in, Oh, that restaurant is really, really good and then whoever you sent there reports that there was a fly in the soup?  Or mama goes to get the same wonderful tangerines from a little market nearby and this time they are all mushy.  There’s just no consistency in the world, haha.

But one thing is certain in winter weather like this.  Kitties will sleep.  You can bet anything on that one and you’ll win.  Here’s an example:




See.  No politics.  Just kitty talk.  Quite a relief, actually.  My sleeping talents are far more interesting than governmental woes.

BUT–to lift your spirits, read about Jeremy the Snail and how he found love.

You may wish to check your gardens after this.  Mama is looking everywhere for escargots.  But she was always a matchmaker…