Posted by on Jul 31, 2016 | 10 comments


Hey, is that where the WIFI resides?  Maybe I can make it work where mama is! Just push that little button until I see 5 green dots?  Are you kidding?








Well, damn, mama does not have internet any longer or wifi and cannot help me with my blog, but she says it may show up any moment but who knows and so I am tossing this off quickly just in case the Net Nuts rob her of her connection and my blog goes BLANK.

It’s not that I NEED her input or anything, you understand, but she does send me some great pics of where she is and the beautiful sunsets and the still sea and those %#&%^#& little grandanthros and things like that, not that I’m interested.  I am having so much fun with Mya’s mama that I have almost forgotten what this mama and papa thing is all about.  I follow this nice lady around around and talk and talk (little does she know what for but that’s another story) and am waiting for her to write down mama’s email for me to send a little hello, even if I’m not really into it, but I SHOULD be polite, right?









(Sea in background, I think)

Or maybe I’m missing THEM just a tad?  Sometimes a myow says more than one thinks.  Or maybe I have just found my real voice!  Look out, Melville!  I think I’ll write about my adventures, Moby Mouse might be a good title, no?
