Posted by on Jan 24, 2016 | 12 comments


Well, mama says the loaves in this town are pretty funny looking.

Haha, those are ROCKS, duh. But mama passed them on the street the other day and at a distance they looked good enough to be buttered or toasted.

Mama is on a quest for great bread, of which there are many, many kinds in this part of France. The best is from an open market where two ladies are the bakers, but there’s a close second down the street a bit where they make very thin baguettes with figs or olives in the dough.  And yet another where grissini are the specialty.

Here are some nice bread pics and we’ll let you know when the best is found.


See the nice crust and lovely holes in the crumb? The crumb is also shiny, a sign of good bread.


An olive baguette, also good in panzanella (see below).



When you do find a bread you like, this is what you can do with it, especially if it’s getting a bit long in the tooth:

Cut the bread into small cubes, about 3/4-inch square, or simply tear into small pieces.

In a large bowl, mix the cubes with a fresh mozzarella, if you can find one, or any relatively firm cheese you like, cut into small pieces.

Add chopped sweet onion, if you like onion, chopped fresh basil and salt and pepper. Toss with lots of olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon or a scant splash of wine vinegar and serve.  This is called a panzanella and it’s one of mama’s favorite bread recipes.  You can add canned tuna to make the panzanella heartier, but if you wish to just give the tuna to your kitty, that’s okay, too, haha.


My eyes sort of came out this way while I was laughing…