Posted by on Jun 30, 2018 | 16 comments


Not sure I like this “tolerant” stay in myself…

Well, in a comment yesterday I mentioned that I would put the photo in of a kitty mama ran into (read: SEARCHED FOR!) at that mud place, and also ones that mama feeds in the cat refuge in Rome.  Those poor little kitties are so hungry, and there is supposed to be someone there who takes care of the abandoned kitties, but right now in Italy, you never know who is going to be where on a job.  They are cutting back on all fronts, mama says, so she’s going to look into the refuge office tomorrow and see if anyone is actually working there.


This is a sweet little mottled kitty who has a very bad back leg, and mama and papa want to know who is treating it.  I’ll let you know.


These kitties have to be fed under a railing as there is a fence around the beautiful ruins in which they live.


And this is the kitty that mama discovered at the hot water place.  She approached mama but was scared off when mama stood up too fast. Duh.


I am being VERY tolerant here of the wackiness that taking a vacation can cause in anthros.  But I have to admit, this little sweetie touched my cold heart because she was sort of thin and needed brushing.  Mama says animals are treated differently in various countries, and I guess mama is used to the love and attention that the French give their pets.  But hey, this kitty lives on a large piece of land so I’ll bet there are LOTS of mice and things, whatever they are.


HEY, she is sort of the reverse of ME.  I have a black coat with a white spot!  But I would have liked mama to brush her if it had been possible…


Mama, could you travel with a brush next time? (PS They are not yet home–just had this pic lying around.)