Posted by on Sep 14, 2015 | 6 comments


I just love Willie Nelson…

Well, mama is playing Willie Nelson’s version of that lovely song, even though it is a bit melancholy and misty and sort of a grey song, to me. And I’m just a four-footed creature who doesn’t think much about season changes. Well, with exceptions…I seem to be…er…filling out in places that used to be svelte.

But does this happen to many of you? A kind of pale blue feeling that summer is over and the winds are a bit chillier and the sky has more rain clouds than brilliant sun and the children have school packs on their backs instead of running around in sandals and bathing suits and the markets have replaced watermelon with autumn fruits?

Mama’s good friend, papa’s ex-wife, also gets the blues in autumn, much like mama’s blues, called in the past the Hesperian Depression. Tribes of early anthros gathered around their fires as evening fell more quickly than summer’s eve, and they huddled together for warmth and security, sensing the darker days arriving with fall and winter.

BUT—mama says Just listen to this, Loulou: chanterelles, cepes, all sorts of fall funghi (mushrooms) are popping up in the forests, and with the neighbor’s fresh eggs, a spectacular omelet is about to be made and YOU will get a bite!





Well, I’m all for that.

But mama says that the watermelons are being replaced in the markets by pears and apples.

Maybe that’s why she is melon-choly, HAHA!


Well, Loulou, mama says, at least you can cheer me up…