Posted by on Oct 28, 2015 | 12 comments


Daydreaming…a form of poetry.

The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. Dylan Thomas

Mama loves poetry. I think I mentioned that even in our local magazine created by the homeless, there are often several very moving and lovely poems that bring a bright spot to one’s day.

Well, mama likes to take a book of poetry out of the bookcase, at random, and open it to any page that day and see what poem comes up, sort of like the I Cat…er…Ching.

Then she reads the poem and looks for meaning for that day’s thoughts or decisions about whatever she is doing that day— writing or painting or gardening or just (a rare occurrence, I’ve noticed) daydreaming. Well, we all need more of that, and I’m the winner on that score!

You won’t find me wracking my little pea brain over how to plan next year’s calendar and activities or menus for ten people at dinner or whether the lemon tree needs trimming, oh, no. When I daydream, I daydream, and you know what—it’s often like poetry.

When in doubt about anything or when you just want something sweet to do for a few minutes, pick out a poetry book and see what it gives to you.

I’m studying the collection right now to see which one I want to open today…



I think today it is W. S. Merwin…tomorrow, maybe Mr. Thomas.

Today’s suggested blog:


What a fun blog!! Inspiration.